
Lennart Viebahn










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Wawel Royal Castle Museum

It is a particular honor for us welcoming the Wawel Royal Castle Museum in Krakow among the circle of our valued institutional clients. The museum acquires our Broadsword of the Saxon Janissary Corps, and our sword hanger from the armoury of the Saxon Electoral Court in Dresden.

Our 15th century breech loading swivel gun

The European Hansemuseum in Luebeck takes our 15th century breech-loading swivel gun on loan for their special exhibition Stoertebeker & Company.

Antiquarian literature on artillery and fortification

Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna - the Malta Heritage Trust purchases from us a collection of rare antiquarian books on artillery and fortification, dating from the 17th to 19th centuries.

Hunting hanger, Ludwig I. of Bavaria

The Bayerisches Nationalmuseum in Munich acquires an important hunting hanger from us. We are much obliged that another institution of international significance confides in our services. Details about this piece...

Partisane der Trabanten des Kurf rsten Friedrich August I. 
Kursachsen 1694   1697

We are pleased welcoming Moritzburg Castle near Dresden among the circle of our institutional clients. An important partisan of Elector Friedrich August I., Saxony 1694 1697, will be accessible for the general public.

Albert Benningk, drawing of an unknown bronze barrel

The Deutsches Historisches Museum in Berlin bought our drawing of the unknown bronze barrel by Albert Benningk. This important work will shed further light on the flamboyant barrels of the Elector Friedrich Wilhelm and the oeuvre of this famous founder.
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Rapier, Dresden, circa 1600

As enthusiasts of fine antique arms and armour it is of special importance to us knowing our exhibits in well caring hands. So in this case we are more than happy that our fine rapier of the Saxon Trabantenleibgarde is entrusted in the hands of a professional private American collector.
details about this piece...

Savoyard helmet

This important savoyard helmet was purchased by the Cleveland Museum of Art in 2013. It is very satisfying for us that this interesting piece can now be studied by the general public.
details about this object...



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